The Unbreakable Rules

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We didn’t make up these Unbreakable Rules. We’ve just always known about them. They’ve always been there, like the Law of Gravity. Newton didn’t make up that law; he just discovered it. Same with these 9 ½ principles. So just in case you wanted to know what the 9 ½ Unbreakable Rules of Marketing were but were too cheap busy to buy the book…well…here they are:
1. Consistency Beats Ability
The sad truth is, when you’re only consistently good, you’re still going to beat somebody who’s only occasionally excellent.
2. Perception is Reality
It’s what people believe that motivates them, not the facts. Control that perception and you’ll influence behavior.
3. Be Creative or Die
Nobody ever bored their customers into buying their products. If you’re not creative in your marketing, you’re invisible.
4. The Medium is Not the Message
If your message is strong and memorable, it doesn’t matter what medium you use to send it, it will find its own wings.
5. Work Hard to Keep it Simple
All marketing should be simple. But you need to work obsessively to keep it that way.
6. Give Love to Get Love
Success in anything is ultimately reciprocal. It all boils down to the fact that if you love your customers, they’re more likely to love you back…and want to do business with you.
7. Emotions Rule the World
By the time a person is weighing their options rationally, they’re only looking for reasons to back up what their heart has decided in a millisecond.
8. Go Big or Go Home
There are no shortcuts in marketing. No magic spells. Unless you go all out with your marketing, you won’t go anywhere. Put in all your effort, and you’ll be unstoppable.
9. Everything is Marketing
Marketing is not a separate department of your business. Every little thing you do leaves an impression. Everything is an ad for your business, yourself, your cause.
1/2. Know the Rules and Know When to Break Them
Any rule can be ignored, even unbreakable ones. But before you break one of these rules, think hard about why you’re doing it. And make sure the upside far outweighs the down.